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Fireplace & Chimney Mold: What to Know This Winter

January 15, 2023

You might not think of your fireplace or chimney as a place mold could grow. However, just like any other possibly damp, dark place, it could be a haven for mold.

What Causes Fireplace and Chimney Mold? 

Like all mold, fireplace and chimney mold is caused by an excess of moisture. Here are some specific causes of fireplace and chimney mold:

  • Mold spreading from other places in the room. If you find mold in the same room containing the fireplace, make sure to check the entire fireplace. It could be the source or it could be another breeding ground for mold.
  • Chimney leaks. If water gets into your chimney, mold can grow in as few as 24 hours. While this can be hard to see, if you smell a musty scent coming from the opening of your fireplace, especially a new one, that can be an indication of mold.
  • The fireplace staying unused for a long time. Condensation or other sources of water can build up more easily in an unused fireplace. You might notice mold on the fireplace bricks or start getting respiratory symptoms from being near the fireplace.

How Can I Keep My Chimney Mold-Free?

Here are some ways to prevent and treat mold, depending on how severe your mold problem is.

  • If you have no or very little mold in your chimney, try using your fireplace more! The fire itself can kill mold spores, and the heat will dry out the upper parts of your chimney. Remember, no moisture means no mold.
  • Think about installing a rain cap. Rain caps will prevent your chimney from getting wet in the first place, and this will prevent mold growth. They have the added benefit of keeping out curious animals.
  • Call a professional. Once you can see or smell mold in your fireplace, it's a good idea to enlist the pros. Mold can easily spread, and in the meantime, it can cause sneezing, eye, nose and throat irritation, and even asthma attacks. A professional mold remediator can make sure your chimney is entirely cleaned of mold and that it won't come back.

Keep the Fires Burning With BioClean

At BioClean NY, we have helped homeowners deal with all kinds of mold since 1988. We use environmentally-conscious and effective mold removal products. If you have fireplace or chimney mold, contact us today!

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